Science and technology news from Hopkinton Independent School

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bad Monkeys

Through out India, monkeys run wild and live as a part of society in some cities. In one Indian town though, things are out of hand. Four monkeys jumped on the balcony of the mayor, and while trying to fight the monkeys off, he fell of the balcony and died. The people are starting to not like that the monkeys are "invading" the cities. There is a good reason. India's towns and cities are expanding fast and taking the monkeys homes. What do you think, do the monkeys have rights, or should they leave.


Colby said...

I think even though the mayor died because he was fighting off the monkeys he shouldn't be doing that in the first place. I also think that the monkeys have the "right" to be anywhere they like because people don't own the world and even if we wanted to monkeys don't take cash!

Marek Bennett said...

Colby --

That's a good point; is this problem created by the monkeys, or by the humans who are living in the monkey's natural habitats? It's so easy for humans to forget we share the world with lots of other life forms!

People keep mentioning this mayor who died! I, for one, don't believe this unfounded, sensational rumor. Until I see a link to a reputable news source, I remain unconvinced. You could type ANYTHING, such as:


Do you believe it really happened?

Ziggy said...

whoa those are some scary monkeys. I like monkeys but these killing the mayor is really weird. I am going to agree with the others about us taking over the habitats. they have the right to be here more than we do.