Science and technology news from Hopkinton Independent School

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Muscular System

The Muscular System is the system of muscles that are connected to your bone with tendon and other tissue. They convert force and chemical energy into tension and contraction, which allows your body to move. Muscles move by simply shrinking, but they can't expand. Muscles are made up of many tiny protein filaments. Many muscles are separated by nerves that connect the muscle to the brain. You have on Average about 600 muscles.
Muscles are necessary at all times. You have cardiac muscles in your heart which pump blood, and smooth muscles that line your inner organs. These muscles are called involuntary muscles because you can't control them consciously.
On the other hand, skeletal muscles can be control ed. I am typing using my skeletal muscles in my fingers, which I am controlling. Muscles make up about 23% of a women's weight, and about 40% of a man's weight. I think muscles can be used too much sometimes. Lats year I was pitching and i through my arm out. Now it hurts every time I use it a lot.

Click the link for more info:


Marek Bennett said...

Dom --

I like how you related this system to your own experience. Your muscles enable you to post facts about the muscular system!

Of course, it would be pretty hard to type without your skeletal system (to press hard on the keys) or your nervous system (to feel when to stop pressing, and to think up the words) or your excretory organs (to dispose of wastes from your muscles) and your lymph system (to prevent infections in your muscles) and... well, you get the point!

kelsey said...

This i a lot like what we were learning in class.

I agree with Marek that it was cool how you related your system to your own experience.